Eat less shirt - Urban Outfitters


VIP - Model
Jan 28, 2012
Good idea... ;)


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Haha... did they not get into a lot of trouble for that shirt? I'm sure they ended up having to take it off the shelves. Shame, since the majority of people are overweight theses days!
haha... Did they not get into a lot of trouble for that shirt? I'm sure they ended up having to take it off the shelves. Shame, since the majority of people are overweight theses days!
ikr? And i wanted one but i don't think it came out in the uk :((((((
i LOVE the one kate moss wore
'i beat obesity'
a bit FU to that picture of the massively fat guy wearing the 'i beat anorexia' shirt... yeah lets poke fun at a mental illness thats cool....
i LOVE the one kate moss wore
'i beat obesity'
a bit FU to that picture of the massively fat guy wearing the 'i beat anorexia' shirt... yeah lets poke fun at a mental illness thats cool....

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I want one of these "Skinny Pride" shirts! :grin:

Any of them will do, but I did like that one that Kate Moss wore the best.