Daily Mail's blunt new article! what do you think?

Same thoughts cross my mind everyday. People don't have to be SG skinny (that is a/our PERSONAL choice) but the rampant obesity these days (especially among the young!) is insane!

We live in a society in which it has become OK to shame people for being skinny, but to come out and say 'You’re fat. Not healthy, not a good look' would be tantamount to a crime.

It's about time we stopped tiptoeing around the size issue, stopped kidding ourselves that anorexia, however serious, is the biggest eating problem we face, and started to tackle fat for the problem that it is.

Not because celebrities and models are worthy of emulating but because fat is a blight on both individuals and society.

One way to start might be by calling a fat girl a fat girl*. No apology required

Amen! But correction, fat GIRL OR BOYS both need to care please. Men are no longer just 'husky' these days and shouldn't just be able to skate by this issue. The de-fatting of society needs to include them and make them address their own overweight issues as well! Singling out women is just proof of a double standard that implies a women has to 'look good'. Sometimes it seems women are OK with being overweight b/c they still get 'loved' or 'a real man loves me for me w/ curves excuse" or something, but that is really avoiding the health problems associated w/ being overweight.

Overall though, society is definitely walking on egg shells around this fatty issue though and likes to use the 'anorexia' concern to avoid the issue all together. Parents & young adults just need to take accountability for their own food choices and what/how they feed their family.

seriously....rant over
Same thoughts cross my mind everyday. People don't have to be SG skinny (that is a/our PERSONAL choice) but the rampant obesity these days (especially among the young!) is insane!

Amen! But correction, fat GIRL OR BOYS both need to care please. Men are no longer just 'husky' these days and shouldn't just be able to skate by this issue. The de-fatting of society needs to include them and make them address their own overweight issues as well! Singling out women is just proof of a double standard that a women has to 'look good' and is superficial.

I agree! She doesnt sugar coat (hehe) shes just on point about the issue. Poor woman has to read not so positive comments at the bottom....
She needs to contribute to the takedown threads....
On the other hand DM made an article of how J Crew promotes size 000 but this fat badhing article has quite a bit of hype. I agree skinny isnt everyone's taste but yeah...:shy:
I agree with a lot of what she said in the article however it seems to me she's doesn't understand why those girls seemed to be happy and wearing skimpy clothes. Now don't get me wrong, I hate fat rolls and I can't stand how girls can walk out the door dressed the way they do with their size. Even when I wasn't the size I am today I wasn't anywhere near average size but on thin side but I was way to embarrassed to wear a sleeveless top. I'm sorry but if they feel confident and happy we shouldn't tell them how to dress and we shouldn't be mean about it even if we don't like it. I've cried many times about the size of my boobies but I didn't ever let anyone see that, there are moments in my life when I'm laughing or whatever, how can someone tell that I was unhappy and secretly wished I weighed like a little girl. We don't know whether the girls are truly happy about their weight and she made it sound as though those girls are doing nothing to reduce their size. She doesn't know that and she can't just learn that by standing behind them for 5 minutes. Yes I agree there are a lot of fatties out there that are lazy and don't do anything about it and again I would probably judge too if I see fatties eating a bag of crisps when they really shouldn't. I agree that it's and issue and I agree that mothers should stop tiptoeing around the problem. Fat is a problem and we have to do something about it and we can't ignore the costs that fatties are contributing to the society and to themselves.
Hahaha, you didn't happen upon this article from a certain subreddit, now did you? ;)

Either way, she's totally right. And this quote says it best :

It occurred to me that if these girls hated their bodies and were racked with self-loathing, as we're so often told that the majority of young women do and are, they were doing a grand job of projecting exactly the opposite impression.

Yep. They're not insecure until they're faced with a skinny who puts an effort into her appearance. And then they cry and moan about how hard it is, different metabolisms, starvation mode, unrealistic expectations, anorexia, etc. :lol:
:spitlaugh: this article was totally spot-on I feel like obese people and fat activists need a slap in the face. Those pictures... lets just say I'll be having coffee for lunch.

I've always been of the (apparently) old-school notion that tip-toeing around obesity is only going to allow it to fester and flourish. Obesity isn't attractive and it isn't healthy (the HAES people are so grumpy because they constantly feel ill from being overweight)! It's also not "normal" there was ONE fat child in my entire school throughout all my years of lower education, now all of the children I see (all of them) are overweight. It's horrifying.
Hahaha, you didn't happen upon this article from a certain subreddit, now did you? ;)

I wish. It was posted by my friend on Facebook and now there are 10 comments about how mean the lady is who wrote it. Once of my best friends is on there ranting about how disgusting fat shaming is. It's sad.

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holy shit this woman is incredible. she summed up everything i have thought (but have been too afraid to say) in one little article. one of my favorite quotes.... "I don't deny that anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders are a pernicious problem, and I've witnessed at close hand the devastating effects of anorexia as young daughters of friends and acquaintances have succumbed to it.
But in the cases I've come across, the psychological issues these girls were suffering from had far more to do with their driven personalities, their determination to be A*  students at any cost, as well as troubles with over-demanding parents, than simply emulating glossy magazine images of super-skinny models and stick-thin celebrities on the red carpet.
Skinny celebrity icons are an issue, but I don't believe they're the issue on which society should focus in our muddle over body image."
I agree... i dont think you can tell people wear is right but fat bashing is as acceptable as skinny bashing (i dont think its acceptable... the world does) is utterly true. Im surprised DM allowed this to be published
@perkybones, don't be sorry. I didn't mean I don't like the article I actually like that woman's view and agree with most of what was said, it needed to be said. it's just what got me was that it was like she was mad because those fat girls seemed to be happy and wearing the clothes they did that she thought they shouldn't have been. Like they should be sad and depressed for their weight. I've been there and have felt incredibly insecure about my size before even though I've never even been anywhere near average but Just because a person is bigger I would never ever wish for them to be depressed and hide. I mean come on they were at the airport on their way to probably a holiday I didn't realize they had to be depressed. She took a 5 minutes of what she observed and generalized it. She made it sound as those crochet shorts weren't meant to be for that girl. How do we know whether when she went to the store she wasn't crying about not finding anything her size or that was the only thing or whatever else. Ok I get it some clothes some girls shouldn't wear. Again I also don't like a lot of the stuff that fat people wear and feel they shouldn't, they should wear the right size and for the body they have but some of it seemed like a bit harsh or it came out a little mean to me.
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@perkybones, don't be sorry. I didn't mean I don't like the article I actually like that woman's view and agree with most of what was said, it needed to be said. it's just what got me was that it was like she was mad because those fat girls seemed to be happy and wearing the clothes they did that she thought they shouldn't have been. Like they should be sad and depressed for their weight. I've been there and have felt incredibly insecure about my size before even though I've never even been anywhere near average but Just because a person is bigger I would never ever wish for them to be depressed and hide. I mean come on they were at the airport on their way to probably a holiday I didn't realize they had to be depressed. She took a 5 minutes of what she observed and generalized it. She made it sound as those crochet shorts weren't meant to be for that girl. How do we know whether when she went to the store she wasn't crying about not finding anything her size or that was the only thing or whatever else. Ok I get it some clothes some girls shouldn't wear. Again I also don't like a lot of the stuff that fat people wear and feel they shouldn't, they should wear the right size and for the body they have but some of it seemed like a bit harsh or it came out a little mean to me.
Yes the article is opinionised and biased. Maybe she shouldve interviewed those girls? Who knows they couldve started a starvation diet yesturday? Yes, because i wouldnt wear a dress for a woman who has bags of cleavage. Dress your age is the same concept.
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I really enjoyed reading the article and I'm very shocked it came from DailyMail and the amount of comments that seem to agree with the author

Un-PC of me as it may be to criticise my sex for their size, when it comes to weight I'm not afraid to say it: I am unapologetically fattist. It's unattractive, it's unhealthy and, given the problems that being fat can cause, it should be as unacceptable as smoking.

I'm happy someone finally published something like this, after the backlash Vogue received for the fight on obesity to improve someone's quality of health. It is refreshing to see DM (out of all places) agree with them on some level.
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I loved every part of this. Its so refreshing after seeing the fatty movement everywhere. I'm realpy considering posting it to my fb wall but I don't want to cause too much controversy. I'm jusy so sick of fatties being fatties and being all entitled about it. Everyonr has the abilify to get fat, but some just dont. Because we realize it makes us feel crap, therr are huge health risks and it is, in fact, unattractive.
I put on weight last year due to binge eating and a lot of emotional stuff I had going on.. and it took some hardcore exercise and clean eating, but ive finally lost most of the weight.
Side note- I also have PCOS so I put on weight very easilt and losing it is extremely hard. So all I'm saying is that if I can do it, most people should be able to.

Also... I was on the train the other day and about 80% of the people on it were obese. Not even overweight. Just... huge.
It's sad because even my grandma who cant walk more than 5 metres, is skinnier than them.
There needs to be more articles like this. Slowly killing yourself isnt any less harmful to yourself or the people around you. Because when push comes to shove and a giant fat glob does clog their artery and leave their children without parents, it's no less cruel than dying from a car accident.
Sorry, just my opinion
This writer is spot on in regards to every account. When I look around me, I do not see fat people cowering in their bedrooms, afraid to leave the house.

Instead, they are every where I go - on every corner - at the club, the grocery store, the mall, you name it.

On a side note, looking at the picture of the author of the article, at 62 years old it obvious she takes care of herself, and knows what she's talking about.