2023年时尚芭莎美学主题项目第三期《中国十二美人之“萨玛之歌”》正式上线!贺聪 化身侗族美丽传说中的始祖神“萨玛”,唤醒世间万物,带来生命与繁荣。徜徉于天地之间,旷野闻风,林间抚水;集万物之语,唤醒白昼,点燃星夜。
The third phase of the 2023 Harper's Bazaar aesthetic-themed project, China's Twelve Beauties: Song of Sama, is officially launched! He Cong incarnates the Dong people’s beautiful and legendary ancestor god Sama to awaken all things in the world and bring life and prosperity. Wandering between heaven and earth, listening to the wind in the wilderness and caressing the water in the forest; gathering the words of all things, awakening the day and igniting the starry night.
时值中法建交60周年,作为在法国诞生、第一本进入中国的女性时装与生活方式杂志,《世界时装之苑ELLE》本次携手巴黎高级时装公会(Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode)12个高级定制时装品牌共襄盛事。从中国北京到法国凡尔赛,18个高级定制造型辉映中法文化艺术交流之盛景,于四季流转的铺陈中美美与共。
It is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. As the first women's fashion and lifestyle magazine born in France and entered China, ELLE, the world's fashion garden, joins hands with the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode. 12 high-end custom fashion brands participated in the event. From Beijing, China to Versailles, France, 18 haute couture looks reflect the grand scene of Sino-French cultural and artistic exchanges, laying out the beauty of China and the United States in the four seasons.
本次灵感起源于野兽与群花对视的想象,在群花时装故事中,@贺聪HeCong 演绎写意绚烂的花卉,成为浓烈的浪漫化身,在两种不同视觉语境中,亦刚亦柔。她融合了自我绪里的敏感细腻和性格中的坚毅进行演绎,如花在野,温柔而热烈。
The inspiration for this collection comes from the imagination of the beast and the flowers looking at each other. In the fashion story of the flowers, He Cong interprets the freehand and gorgeous flowers, becoming the embodiment of strong romance. In two different visual contexts, she is both strong and soft. She combines the sensitivity and delicacy in her emotions with the perseverance in her character to interpret, like a flower in the wild, gentle and warm.
在另一种不同的时装故事中,多样的动物纹路带着源于野兽的生命力和肆意狂妄,正如@贺聪HeCong 一步步学习面对镜头到掌控镜头,释放多面魅力,纵使姿态百变,仍目标明确,忠于自我。
In another different fashion story, the various animal patterns carry the vitality and wanton arrogance of wild animals, just as He Cong learns step by step to face the camera and control the camera, releasing multifaceted charm. Even with a variety of postures, she still has a clear goal and is loyal to herself.
在三月初于巴黎看完Maison Margiela高级定制系列的预览之后,W主编Mix Wei以及编辑团队踏出办公室大门的第一刻,便决定用中国团队再次诠释这个令人难以忘怀的系列。前后两个月的沟通时间,六套高级定制时装漂洋过海。我们独家记录了这个时装时刻,以及精彩的幕后故事。
超模@贺聪HeCong 在摄影师钟灵的镜头下,演绎Maison Margiela 2024 Artisanal 高级定制系列时装。拍摄当日,钟灵全程放着坂本龙一的音乐,和团队一起交流讨论关于这个系列时她说:“John Galliano再次让我记得自己的初心,以及我为什么要站在这里。”在当下的时装氛围中,John Galliano这种对于梦想的真诚足以打动所有时装人(而事实也远超如此)。
After watching the preview of Maison Margiela’s haute couture collection in Paris in early March, W editor-in-chief Mix Wei and the editorial team decided to use the Chinese team to interpret this unforgettable collection again the moment they stepped out of the office door. After two months of communication, six sets of haute couture fashions traveled across the ocean. We exclusively recorded this fashion moment and the wonderful behind-the-scenes story.
Supermodel He Cong interprets Maison Margiela 2024 Artisanal haute couture collection under the lens of photographer Zhong Ling. On the day of the shoot, Zhong Ling played Ryuichi Sakamoto’s music throughout the whole process. When she discussed this series with the team, she said: "John Galliano once again reminded me of my original intention and why I am here." In the current fashion atmosphere, John Galliano's sincerity towards dreams is enough to impress all fashion people (and the fact is far more than that).
这次九月刊拍摄以电影《霓虹恶魔》为灵感,尝试从时装摄影角度还原影片大胆前卫的视听美学。无论是色彩冲突与光影变幻的提炼,经典场景的重现,抑或是聚焦不同角色的精神状态,超模@贺聪HeCong 精准展现了电影里贯穿着的不安情绪、欲望冲击,以及终极的感官张力,在电影时空的媒介下,演绎2024秋冬时装风格。
The September issue shoot was inspired by the movie "The Neon Demon", and attempted to restore the film's bold and avant-garde audio-visual aesthetics from the perspective of fashion photography. Whether it is the refinement of color conflicts and changes in light and shadow, the reproduction of classic scenes, or the focus on the mental state of different characters, supermodel @贺聪HeCong accurately shows the uneasy emotions, desire impact, and ultimate sensory tension throughout the movie, interpreting the 2024 autumn and winter fashion style under the medium of movie time and space.