Celebrities & cosmetic surgery


Blake Lively - nose job

Apparently Blake Lively got a boob lift. Not bigger or anything. Whenever she does wear really low cut dresses/shirts on Gossip Girl it does seem like they stay in place.. and it seems with more help then just a bra :hmm:

I could be wrong..


omg I have ALWAYS wondered how she manages to look so perky in some of those low cut dresses! Now I have my answer
Mickey Rourke.... IMO the saddest story of all. I mean he had an amazing comeback as an actor in the movie "The Wrestler" (no girls, it's NOT a dumb action movie!)...but his face...i just can't get over the fact how beautiful he used to be.




Ugh a lot of these people just look scary! And I hate what Heidi Montag did. She was so cute before, now she looks ridiculous. And also she apparently made a comment to the effect of "Now that I got a boob job I can get married!" In other words, her husband wouldn't marry her with small boobs. What a jerk!

That being said, I'm not really against plastic surgery. I just think people can get kind of addicted to it. And in that case I think the doctors need to see beyond the dollar signs and just direct people to therapy.

I myself would like a couple things done. #1, I really want to have laser treatments for my stretch marks. They're just awful. I have them all over my hips and thighs because of puberty. :(

I also would consider getting my boobs lifted, depending on how they look after I've lost weight. I just think they're kinda saggy. I don't want them to be any bigger, just more shapely. But of course I'd wait until after I have kids, as boob jobs can mess with your ability to lactate.

Heidi Montag...anyone else finds her as annoying as i do?

Urgh Heidi Montag looks like a porn star and is sooo annnoying! :mad:
I think that cosmetic surgery is ok to some degree. I think its the individuals choice and whether they are happy with their image is the most important thing however celebrities take it too far and end up looking like plastic, porn star monsters eww :superpuke:
Her face looks exactly the same in every picture, she can't even manage a real smile, it looks bizarre ...a bit too much botox i think.

I feel a little sorry for her, i mean she is an actress, there is not way she can work with that face... but it's her choice.

She's just so young. A 25-26 year old does NOT need botox. And it ages you in the future.

She's going to look like a hot mess when she gets old enough to NEED botox.

...and what the hell did FERGIE do to herself!?! :wtf: THAT was scary.
The first picture (magazine cover) is wildly photoshopped, am I right?? In the second one, she's just larger everywhere. Her arms especially. I feel like if she were to pose nude and pregnant, no photoshop, it would be Horrendous. I don't find the first picture to be all that bad, she just looks pregnant.



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I thought exactly the same when I first saw it
IMO Elle and Cosmo have the most INSANEly photoshopped covers ever. Probably because they feature celebrities more than models.
I don't have anything against plastic surgery, however, people like Heidi Montag are ridiculous. She was quite pretty before she had everything done and now she's just... scary plastic. I myself am considering a nose job though because my nose truly is an atrocious thing (there's almost no difference in width between the bridge and nostrils, so it's basically this rectangle on my face) and I feel really self-conscious about it. It just makes me very ugly. But I'm just not sure on the reactions I would get, you know? Many people here are very negative towards wanting to look beautiful- they also disapprove of weight loss 'because you're beautiful just the way you are!'.
It's not like I'm gonna turn out like this, yeah?


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I'm just not sure on the reactions I would get, you know?

That's the hardest part when it comes to deciding on plastic surgery, I think. So many people get nose jobs, though... SO many people. I say do it, especially if you think it will make you feel more beautiful.

You can always tell people you broke it and decided to fix it up a little in the process! :grin:
I've had a nose job which did nothing for me whatsoever. I like celebs who get little tweaks but even Angelina had a lot of work done..... she was naturally beautiful already so her work works whereas someone like Heidi tried to get prettier with surgery and failed. It's just such a huge risk really and not worth it for most people.
Are you sure Blake Lively had a nose job? I think her nose looks the same on both pictures, just a little bit bigger on the left one. Maybe it's just the angle?

I think the nose job is pretty obvious:



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