Brandy Melville

@vie Thanks for your input, I am definitely far less aware of some styles due to living in the uk and the stores only being available in London. For some reason, due to the exclusivity of certain brands, here in the UK a lot of clothing which may be common in the US is considered more desirable due to the exclusivity. I definitely took a gamble buying something from there but honestly, I feel like no matter what it is, it always hangs better on thinner girls. In my area a lot of 'curvy' girls squeeze into crop tops and halter tops with skinny jeans and even though they technically fit, they still look like low class hookers- sad but true. I am looking forward to receiving my top and seeing if the material is as good as they say:nod:
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@vie Thanks for your input, I am definitely far less aware of some styles due to living in the uk and the stores only being available in London. For some reason, due to the exclusivity of certain brands, here in the UK a lot of clothing which may be common in the US is considered more desirable due to the exclusivity. I definitely took a gamble buying something from there but honestly, I feel like no matter what it is, it always hangs better on thinner girls. In my area a lot of 'curvy' girls squeeze into crop tops and halter tops with skinny jeans and even though they technically fit, they still look like low class hookers- sad but true. I am looking forward to receiving my top and seeing if the material is as good as they say:nod:
Anything with 'modal cotton' in the online description is the really soft kind. :)

All the clothes definitely hang better on thinner girls. Some may be slightly, slightly too big but I think anyone thin you can pull that off, generally if your limbs are slim you won't suffer from the extra bulk that larger garments might give

Ah, the great British summer
It's in North America too :hyper:
The clothes are nice and they have a nice quality, the only problem is that it's so popular and idk if anyone else feel the same way as me, but I absolutely hate when I go out, I wear a dress and then I find ten other girls in the street with the same dress. It happens everytime to me when I shop at Zara or Brandy :( so I'm sticking to their basics now
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I really hope they don't start using plus sized models because I've seen a ton of comments on recent Instagram posts calling girls anorexic, ill looking, too skinny, telling them to eat a burger, every cliche a hundred times over. If you want to see bigger girls follow American Apparel or Aerie but I like Brandy always having thin models :(