Avery McCall


SkinnyGossip Royal
Jun 27, 2012
I've met this girl through a mutual friend and I think she's going to be big. She's 17 and is signed with Trump Models right now, but has walked McQueen, Pascal Millet, Moncler, Christopher Kane, Paul Smith (closed) and Cavalli. She is naturally super tiny and extraordinarily tall (she's still young, but she has an incredibly slight build, thin bone structure, and is truly one of those "eats like a horse" models)

Measurements: 5'11.5; 31-24-34


(first set of polaroids)

(1st backstage at Moncler)
(2nd backstage at Cavalli)
(3rd candid backstage, unknown)

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She seems so intelligent and motivated! And very beautiful. You're right, she'll probably accomplish many great things.

Also her instagram: https://instagram.com/averywm/ According to which she is enrolled at Stanford Online High School, which means she's a gifted student. This girl is incredible.
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She's lovely. I really like the shape of her lips.
She does seem very intelligent and seems to be aware of lives other than her own which is something I admire and (in my eyes) makes her more beautiful
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I really like her. Has that aristocratic look that can sell top labels.

and is truly one of those "eats like a horse" models)

Those are the ones I worry about the most, bc they find it very hard to change their habits when their metabolism slows down.
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Those are the ones I worry about the most, bc they find it very hard to change their habits when their metabolism slows down.

Agreed. I don't want her to restrict so much that she stunts her growth, but she should certainly try to get into the habit of eating less, especially since she's in the tail end of her teen years. She has a really nice face, so she's someone I definitely want to see have a long career, and her eating habits now could easily fuck that up for her.
Oooh! She has my weird nose! I've never seen a model have a nose quite like mine before!

On a less narcissistic note, I like her. I love that she has strong ideals and aspirations. She's lovely too, such a unique face ( I mean, with that nose...;))
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I just realise how creepy this sounds. :shame: I'm not a stalker, I promise, but I've seen your pictures in the "Post your face" thread and Avery reminded me of these. Definitely meant as a compliment. :)
But, I'm curious, do you also see a little bit of resemblance?