America's next top model

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I usually watch it as entertainment, (i like to follow all the drama :twisted: )
But never really been a huge fan of the girls in the actual competition....

What do think about "America's next top model" ? :meh:
yeah, it's entertaining.
Do you remember that season where the one girl gained like 15-20 lbs during the course of the show? I just googled it.. London Levi. They legit kicked her off for gaining. I don't know how anyone can go on a modelling show and gain while the whole country is watching. Ugh, I felt so bad for her.
yeah, it's entertaining.
Do you remember that season where the one girl gained like 15-20 lbs during the course of the show? I just googled it.. London Levi. They legit kicked her off for gaining. I don't know how anyone can go on a modelling show and gain while the whole country is watching. Ugh, I felt so bad for her.

OH YES!!! I remember. That was just so ugh!
I mean what did she expect? Being in a model competition, gaining weight isnt exactly the right way to win.
I admit I watched a few 'cycles' of that show a few years ago as a guilty pleasure :meh: and what annoyed me was how it seemed rigged, I watched a total chub girl win, ok let me try to remember the name....cycle 9 I think, Saleisha yes. it was like Tyra was setting up a favorite or something, the girl looked like an average cute girl you might see at a mall....nothing against that of course, but not a model for crying out loud.
I'm 21 years old and have been watching this show since I was 12 (or 13). I love it for entertainment, but I always thought most of the girls were extremely average and their bodies were NOT runway material whatsoever. Most of the winners don't even end up modeling..maybe do a few cheesy commericals and appearances in low budget shows/movies.:rolleyes:----but that's about it. Most of the winners aren't memorable either.
I like watching the show purely for entertainment. However, most of the contestants aren't model material and were annoying. The challenges the girls do seem so pointless as well. The only thing that actually pertains to modeling in this show is when Tyra sends the girls on castings, other than that... it's more of a reality show than a true modeling experience.

On another note, the photoshoots always seem so intimidating. Like, the girls dont know how to pose and theres just not enough direction being given.
I love it for entertainment, but I always thought most of the girls were extremely average and their bodies were NOT runway material whatsoever. Most of the winners don't even end up modeling..maybe do a few cheesy commericals and appearances in low budget shows/movies.:rolleyes:----but that's about it. Most of the winners aren't memorable either.

Yeah, I've heard this too. I used to watch it quite a lot, but it seems to be getting worse ... Also, not a Tyra fan. It almost seems as though she really dislikes the contestants? The go-see episodes are fun, though.
I dont even think Tyra Banks is model material her self! So it just really annoys me that she is running the show. And the fact that she ever became a model annoys me even more.

I usually watch it as entertainment, (i like to follow all the drama :twisted: )
But never really been a huge fan of the girls in the actual competition....

What do think about "America's next top model" ? :meh:

OMFG f***ing hate this show.....Sorry :( The drama is so entertaining I agree (I watch this person's youtube channel who just takes the funny bits out of the show), but the show itself I despise. Used to love it. Before I knew what real modelling was. just makes a mockery of modelling and gave me some false hope. Plus I hate Tyra Banks, she's so full of herself and she was never a great model or all that determined (who just decides to give up after being fired twice for being too fat?).
OH YES!!! I remember. That was just so ugh!
I mean what did she expect? Being in a model competition, gaining weight isnt exactly the right way to win.

The funniest part is like a few cycles later, she kicked a girl off for being "too thin". There's no such thing as too thin in fashion LOL. Proves how little she knows (Tyra was obviously just jealous because she got fat herself :lol:)
I dont even think Tyra Banks is model material her self! So it just really annoys me that she is running the show. And the fact that she ever became a model annoys me even more.


I can jsut hear her thudding down the runway, thighs creating their own applause.:run:
I can jsut hear her thudding down the runway, thighs creating their own applause.:run:

@Serene once posted that when you're tall and not skinny, you tend to look like a "giant creature". Me thinks Tyra just proved her point. Without the "average girl" in the frame too! She's so pro.

/oh wait this isn't the takedowns.
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@Serene once posted that when you're tall and not skinny, you tend to look like a "giant creature". Me thinks Tyra just proved her point. Without the "average girl" in the frame too! She's so pro.

/oh wait this isn't the takedowns.

For like the last week, i have been debating making a thread about her in takedowns...
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Ive been watching college edition recently on hulu and am not impressed by this cycles pick.
I'm not easily impressed but come on.
I just watch to laugh now. These are average girls who think they've won the lottery. But they are really just a bunch of dressed up monkeys trying to get the winning banana.
A little mean sorry :/
The funniest part is like a few cycles later, she kicked a girl off for being "too thin". There's no such thing as too thin in fashion LOL. Proves how little she knows (Tyra was obviously just jealous because she got fat herself :lol:)

What season was that?:o

I have to admit, I love the show, its a guilty pleasure. It does piss me off how unrealistic and OBVIOUSLY set up everything is, but I still enjoy watching it.:P

The earlier seasons were so much better though.:/ Back when you weren't allowed to be a tubster and Janice Dickinson would sit and bitch about the fatties, it was much funnier.

The girls I like never win though.T^T

I loved Heather. Don't remember what season she was in, but she was the Autistic one I think.

I loooved it when london got kicked off for gaining so much weight.XD

There was a girl who got kicked off for being too big in season 4 as well I think.. (and I mean, she wasn't even close to plus size either!) Then another girl in the same season gained a bunch of weight, they didn't throw her off but they kept making fun of her in the photoshoots by making her "Gluttony" and "The Elephant", basically all the fat roles (HA no pun intended)
That show really annoys me…. Like others said most of the girls are just not model material. What really, really get me is that sometimes there is someone really good, so much better than the competition and they never get picked as the winner. The show has significantly gone down hill for me.