Americans are prudes

Skanky Gurl

The Entertainment
Fat Slut
Community Whore
Resident Cumbucket
Yeah, she's fourteen, but I've always found it more telling of the people that screech about how we're sexualising children than the designers. Sheer clothing is not at all uncommon in the high fashion world, and they're the ones drawing attention to her chest. It's just part of the human body; there was nothing meant to be sexual about it until these grown women made it sexual. I've seen worse on daytime television.
I will never understand what's the deal with being naked; especially if nudity, like in this case, is displayed in a very tasteful and non-vulgar way.

Yes, she may be underage, but she obviously doesn't look it so why should pedos be attracted? The point of being pedophile is that they're sexually aroused by kids looking (and maybe acting) like kids.

I'd like to tell these delusional commenters to do a 2-seconds google search and find out that billions of people, some even younger, expose their nipples in a much more obscene way on a daily basis. Welcome to the 21st century.
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There's literally nothing sexual about her ensemble whatsoever, and the designer's objective is to show his product with as little adulterant as possible (hence, no distracting bra under the blouse) Sexualizing nipples is the problem, especially when they are under a blouse, in a very clearly non pornographic setting. Second, if the model is not a US citizen, her nipples are likely totally "legal" in her home country, and Americans criticising their visibility are totally american-centric, nationalistic assholes with a superiority complex. Ugh.
I think it says a lot about our society that we see a 14 year old girl and think...OMG BOOBS SEX. MUST CENSOR.

It's the same argument with breastfeeding in public, boobs weren't created solely for sex, and shouldn't be treated as such. Next thing we know, freckles will be censored because they encourage sun exposure. :eek:

We must ban tans, BMIs outside the nornal range, fast food, snacks, sugar, cigarettes, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, scars, under-eye bags (they promote lack of sleep, ya know), stress, hair colouring, make-up, and all photos should have to be taken outside, in daylight, using one of five pre-approved angles. Not to mention plastic surgery, dermatologists, supportive underwear, and heels. People are sheeple, and are obviously unable to think for themselves.

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Seriously the clothes that middle schoolers are wearing are more revealing than what she has on. You guys are right - it's a nipple, so what? It isn't like its even being portrayed in a sexual way. That being said, I'm not a big fan of her looks-wise (her face looks a bit boxy and I don't really like her eyes).

Also as a random side note - I can't stand that "'jeans and t-shirt' kind of person" expression.
Oh god, no, she has nipples *cue moral outrage* :facepalm:
It's like with people who have problem with little girls running around on the beach wearing only bikini bottoms. If you look at a child and your first thought is "that's sexual", then the problem is with you, not with them.

I'm sick of a society where a girl cannot show her chest even in a completely unprovocative way as in Dior, but we have songs on the radio that are vulgar and explicit about dicks, blowjobs and fucking whores and bitches. How come one is sick and immoral, but the other one is completely fine? Stupid, backwards, misogynist, hypocritical society. I don't have much desire to go around half-naked, but if I wanted to show my chest the same way men can, then I should have the right to do so.
Oh god, no, she has nipples *cue moral outrage* :facepalm:
It's like with people who have problem with little girls running around on the beach wearing only bikini bottoms. If you look at a child and your first thought is "that's sexual", then the problem is with you, not with them.

I'm sick of a society where a girl cannot show her chest even in a completely unprovocative way as in Dior, but we have songs on the radio that are vulgar and explicit about dicks, blowjobs and fucking whores and bitches. How come one is sick and immoral, but the other one is completely fine? Stupid, backwards, misogynist, hypocritical society. I don't have much desire to go around half-naked, but if I wanted to show my chest the same way men can, then I should have the right to do so.
Not saying it's impossible, but I've never heard of someone who doesn't have nipples. In fact I only hear of people having more than two.
Guys, don't worry, someone's found a way to fix it.


Yeah, I saw it before on some website. It's ridiculous that so many men were saying in comments that it's "completely different" because "women's chest is a sexual area that is arousing and men's nipples are not". It's insane that we form roughly half of the society, and yet nobody asks us what we think. What do we think about half-naked men? Because there is so much criticism regarding us women, but somehow nobody gives a shit if we think a man wearing X is sexually provocative or not. Sorry, but it is proven that nipples are a sexual area both in men and women; and hell, even if they were not, then what? Do men have so little self-control that we as women cannot show them anything even remotely sexual? A huge part of the problem I think is that we give so many excuses to men for their behaviour: she was wearing a short skirt, or he could see her nipples, or she was dressed provocatively. I personally would like to go out on the street without being treated like meat on a display.
Yeah, I saw it before on some website. It's ridiculous that so many men were saying in comments that it's "completely different" because "women's chest is a sexual area that is arousing and men's nipples are not". It's insane that we form roughly half of the society, and yet nobody asks us what we think. What do we think about half-naked men? Because there is so much criticism regarding us women, but somehow nobody gives a shit if we think a man wearing X is sexually provocative or not. Sorry, but it is proven that nipples are a sexual area both in men and women; and hell, even if they were not, then what? Do men have so little self-control that we as women cannot show them anything even remotely sexual? A huge part of the problem I think is that we give so many excuses to men for their behaviour: she was wearing a short skirt, or he could see her nipples, or she was dressed provocatively. I personally would like to go out on the street without being treated like meat on a display.
The craziest thing to me is that breasts are " sexual" in America because men sexualize them. There are third - world countries where women run around topless (hell, there are french beaches where people run around topless and bottomless) and nobody's like, "Quick! Someone rape her, she's asking for it, I can see her areolas!!" The female breast is not inherently sexual, it's just our culture looking for an excuse to make the female body into an object rather than a human.
Germans are prudes, too. Just recently there was a huge discussion because some high schools put a ban on hotpants (and other 'provocative' clothing)... The worst argument for it was: to protect male teachers
I have noticed that the US media has a lot of trouble understanding nudity if it is not over sexualised and 'porny'. Seeing a girls nipples in non sexual way is very confusing for prudes.
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1st. the nipple thing: people act as if it's OKAY for men to be shirtless because it has always been like that.

Before 1936, it was illegal for men to go topless. In 1934, 4 men went topless on Coney Island and were fined $1 each "... there are many people who object to seeing so much of your body exposed", said the woman magistrate!
In 1935:
That year, 42 topless males in Atlantic City, NJ paid $82 total in fines. "We will have no gorilla on our beach!" declared the city fathers!
In 1936:
That year, in Westchester, NY, the topless ban was finally lifted for men but for economical reasons. The county Park Commission that provided the swimsuits, realized it was much cheaper to provide only the trunks!
The Rochester topless case went to the NY supreme court. It ruled that it is legal to go topless in NY.
That's why Rummer Willis was running around the streets of NYC topless after being censored on Instagram.

2nd. It's funny how everytime an underage model is exposed in a sexual way everyone goes ballistic. What about the film industry? A 12 year old Natalie Portman in The proffesional (actually, Liv Tyler was considered for that role but was deemed to old... at 15). Jodie Foster as a child prostitute in Taxi Driver. (she was 14). In my opinion, the film and the music industry are so much more intense for young girls than the modelling industry. But no one ever mentions that.

3rd. I once hung out with a group of girls and guys from France. They were all soo cool and we went to the rooftop of a building and went into the jacuzzi. The girls automatically got undressed, without any issues. I loved that. And the guys weren't acting all pervy, like "Ohhhh look at those tits!":naughty: French are so relaxed about being topless, I love that. Even when you go to the beaches of Miami, you can tell the french from the americans: the french will be super cool and topless and the americans will be wearing this massive bikini bottoms.

I hope this whole double standards change soon. It's infuriating..
Speaking of men, I honestly cringe when I see shirtless men running around on their jogs here. 95% are NOT in shape.... And the last thing I care to look at is a shirtless sweaty skinny-fat man with a visible paunch posteuring at traffic light / pedestrian crossings like his shit don't stink. Whattttever.
1st. the nipple thing: people act as if it's OKAY for men to be shirtless because it has always been like that.


In 1935:

In 1936:

That's why Rummer Willis was running around the streets of NYC topless after being censored on Instagram.

2nd. It's funny how everytime an underage model is exposed in a sexual way everyone goes ballistic. What about the film industry? A 12 year old Natalie Portman in The proffesional (actually, Liv Tyler was considered for that role but was deemed to old... at 15). Jodie Foster as a child prostitute in Taxi Driver. (she was 14). In my opinion, the film and the music industry are so much more intense for young girls than the modelling industry. But no one ever mentions that.

3rd. I once hung out with a group of girls and guys from France. They were all soo cool and we went to the rooftop of a building and went into the jacuzzi. The girls automatically got undressed, without any issues. I loved that. And the guys weren't acting all pervy, like "Ohhhh look at those tits!":naughty: French are so relaxed about being topless, I love that. Even when you go to the beaches of Miami, you can tell the french from the americans: the french will be super cool and topless and the americans will be wearing this massive bikini bottoms.

I hope this whole double standards change soon. It's infuriating..

Really interesting history!

I've been thinking a lot about this still. Like, ankles used to be a thing that got the guys going until we desexualized them, by desensitizing people to them. That seems to be the route we're going with legislation today, which gives the men fighting against it a whole new image ("no, please let us keep seeing you as sexual objects instead of humans with bodies!")

But you mention that the clincher was money - it was in someone's best financial interest to let men be topless. I predict the battles would go a lot smoother if we find a monetary argument for Freedom of the Titties...