12 Magazine's "VIctims of Beauty"



A controversial photo shoot was recently published by Bulgarian 12 Magazine. Do you think the pictures are inappropriate? Personally, I have a large acceptance for the vulgar and boundary-pushing. I think this is art just as anything else is, and the photographer is simply trying to make a statement, not "glamorize" domestic violence. Clearly that is nothing glamorous about heinous scars and injuries.


Ive been seeing these around Tumblr. I really LOVE this model:

Her eyes are just... UGH! So stunning :luv:
You don't happen to know her name do you? I couldn't find it anywhere.
Zombie apocalypse, or what?
Anyway, I like that idea - it´s art, and art doesn´t automatically mean aesthetical. And the artist did a way better job photoshopping these pictures than many so-called "professionals" do when altering magazine covers!

I like this one:

This isn't particularly shocking, I don't even think its particularly interesting given the commoness of images like these. Photographers are always looking for the next grisly subject matter.

People love to get themselves all het up and outraged over anything out of the norm. The series wasn't glamorising violence against women, these things are quite often taken way too literally :rolleyes:
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This isn't particularly shocking, I don't even think its particularly interesting given the commoness of images like these. Photographers are always looking for the next grisly subject matter.

Agree. For me it is not beautiful nor original so it gets a meh.
Zombie apocalypse, or what?
Anyway, I like that idea - it´s art, and art doesn´t automatically mean aesthetical. And the artist did a way better job photoshopping these pictures than many so-called "professionals" do when altering magazine covers!

I like this one:


I agree, and some of the others are also visually stunning.
Was the shoot accompanied by an article or anything?
I don't like it, then again I don't like anything with blood or injury.
Zombie apocalypse, or what?
Anyway, I like that idea - it´s art, and art doesn´t automatically mean aesthetical. And the artist did a way better job photoshopping these pictures than many so-called "professionals" do when altering magazine covers!

I like this one:


I like gruesome and controversial art its interesting and makes you think. I like this one too.
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I like, I personally think scars can be beautiful er not necessarily injuries tho
I don't like the photo shoot but i am really impressed by the makeup artist's work.