Snejana Onopka

any model would have looked awful in that outfit. why do that to snej?!
:wtf: Wtf...... I am blaming the outfit because I can't imagine that looking good on anyone. Hopefully we get to see her in something else. But I'm still glad she's back!
Oh god...I just cannot understand what would compel Snejana to walk down the runway looking like that. If she's not planning to make a comeback, then she should have just gone out in style and left us with the image of her former perfection. If she IS planning on making a comeback, then she should get back to her former measurements first, and come back as the Snejana we all know and love. And if she's pregnant, then she should stay off the runway. But this -- WTF??

I have always loved and worshipped Snejana, and I just cannot believe that someone with as much dignity as her would agree to walk down the runway with visible fat on her stomach. :wtf::cry:
It's not even just her stomach her FACE looks so bloated and...wide. She lost a lot of that refinement she had back in the day. Also the fact that she was smiling like a lunatic in every picture just took away that mistique she used to have if that makes sense.
I'm tempted to unsubscribe from this thread so my image of snej isn't ruined but it might be too late :cry:

I'm honesty quite surprised I really thought snejana would be one of the one's to never gain or at least retire if she did
I'm tempted to unsubscribe from this thread so my image of snej isn't ruined but it might be too late :cry:

I'm honesty quite surprised I really thought snejana would be one of the one's to never gain or at least retire if she did

you know those unfortunate nude pics from early in her career, right?
she's quite obviously not a girl who can eat what she wants and still stays skinny, and she's not 'naturally skinny' at all.
I'm not surprised she gained a bit, I'm actually more surprised she still looks quite good despite being out of the business for a couple of seasons.
you know those unfortunate nude pics from early in her career, right?
she's quite obviously not a girl who can eat what she wants and still stays skinny, and she's not 'naturally skinny' at all.
I'm not surprised she gained a bit, I'm actually more surprised she still looks quite good despite being out of the business for a couple of seasons.

Oh i've definitely seen those pictures--i guess that's why i'm surprised because she clearly had to work hard to get from where she was during the nudes to where she was at the height of her career but i guess she didn't have the will power to stay there
I know she isn't but she really does look pregnant.
It's weird, her face is puffy and so is her belly, but her legs look good.
And I'm sorry to say this but she does have a horrible smile. The bitchy diva's attitude was very clever for her career.
It's weird, her face is puffy and so is her belly, but her legs look good.
And I'm sorry to say this but she does have a horrible smile. The bitchy diva's attitude was very clever for her career.

But she had the most darling smile when she was thin! It made her go from looking bitchy to looking girlish and radiant. Ugh, this just shows that fat ruins EVERYTHING.
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