Black Mirror


Deputy Head Bitch
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Feb 1, 2015
Watched several episodes now that I'm on break and I'm hooked. Would love to know any of you girls' thoughts on it. One thing that struck me was that some episodes seemed to imply that in the future there would be some general move towards skinny-centrism and that people would be more fat shamed – but not sure how much I agree with how much that aligns with real life trends :hahano:
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I absolutely loved Black Mirror - unique, dark, and thought provoking...I loved it because it hits you right in the face with topics that people may be generally uncomfortable thinking/talking about. I initially wrote a huge block of text gushing about it, but honestly the show is so remarkable that it speaks for itself.

A note: If you are the type of person to judge a show based on its first episode (sometimes I do this), you may want to start with season 1 episode 2, instead of season 1 episode 1 because I feel like the first episode does not "suck you in" as much as the others. I know a few other people who have the same advice, but keep in mind this is just my opinion.

Overall - highly recommended!

edit: @bingeonvogue what was your favorite episode?
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I watched some of the old seasons during a Media Studies class before the new one came out on Netflix and it got most of the the hype- episodes 1:3, 2:1 and 2:3. My favorite episode might be San Junipero from the 3rd season, since I liked the balance of thought-provoking technology but also a human storyline and heart. I also enjoyed the 2nd episode of season 3, and White Bear from season 2 :)
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White bear is my favourite episode as well.

Am I the only one who thought the netflix revival wasn't as good as the original series? I really liked it, but I thought they had less miserable/depressing endings. Nosedive for example:
She ends up in jail, sure, but she seems liberated. After the conversations she had with the trucker lady it seems like it might be the best thing to happen to her.

Still enjoyed the netflix season, but definitely preferred the original.
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