Thinspiration Movies & Shows

Now to not derail this thread any more, I'd like to say that thinspiration for me is linked with elegance. Watching graceful, intelligent people always reminds me of how amazing it would be to have the full package (including a skinny body). I guess a classic example would be Breakfast at Tiffany's because I desire to have Audrey's aesthetic and charm.

Another (odd?) example would be Gossip Girl. None of the actresses are super skinny but they are all still slim and watching their beautiful surroundings and dresses just reminds me of how l need to be skinny in order to enjoy my social life to the full. I also compare the skinnier actresses to the fuller ones and notice how the skinnier ones tend to look more captivating.

Sloane Peterson from Ferris Bueller's Day Off was always an underrated character in my opinion. She was cool, classy, and had great 80s style.

These posts got me thinking about the TV shows and movies that I used as thinspiration growing up, before I really understood what thinspiration was. My ideal body type differs a bit since middle school, but I still like reminiscing on the shows and movies that once inspired me. Gossip Girl is definitely one of those shows, same with Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Friends was one of those original thinspo shows for me. It was really popular when I was growing up, my sister was always watching it. I aspired to have Monica's body with Rachel's job (my tastes have changed a bit now). Courtney Cox at her thinnest was my ultimate girl crush growing up.


Same with The OC. Micha Barton in her prime was completely unreal to me back in middle school. I've just started rewatching it recently for fun. Although it is quite depressing watching it now knowing the downward spiral Micha goes down after she gets killed off.


An honorable mention goes to Rose Byrne in Damages. I started watching early in college and though she might not be super thin, her graceful screen presence makes up for it. I didn't find the show very interesting after the first episode but I kept watching because I liked Rose.


The last, more obvious, early thinspiration came from Breakfast at Tiffany's (and anything Audrey has ever been in) :luvluv:



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I agree about the 'grace' thing, and the way someone carries themselves.

I loved Baby and the dancer in Dirty Dancing. Also weirdly Reese Witherspoon in Wild. She just looked really fragile at times.

@nicole120 I adored Mischa in the OC, she was my inspiration, and loved Rose in Damages too!
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I agree about the 'grace' thing, and the way someone carries themselves.

I loved Baby and the dancer in Dirty Dancing. Also weirdly Reese Witherspoon in Wild. She just looked really fragile at times.

@nicole120 I adored Mischa in the OC, she was my inspiration, and loved Rose in Damages too!

I agree with Reece in Wild, too. Marissa in The OC was portrayed as fragile, so maybe the inspiration comes from the fragility of the character. Thin characters seem more fragile than the heavier characters.
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Now to not derail this thread any more, I'd like to say that thinspiration for me is linked with elegance. Watching graceful, intelligent people always reminds me of how amazing it would be to have the full package (including a skinny body). I guess a classic example would be Breakfast at Tiffany's because I desire to have Audrey's aesthetic and charm.

Another (odd?) example would be Gossip Girl. None of the actresses are super skinny but they are all still slim and watching their beautiful surroundings and dresses just reminds me of how l need to be skinny in order to enjoy my social life to the full. I also compare the skinnier actresses to the fuller ones and notice how the skinnier ones tend to look more captivating.

Yes! I know just what you mean with Gossip Girl being "thinspiring" even tho the characters aren't that skinny. I've never watched that show, but I had a similar feeling last night when I re-visited the 90s classic Clueless. Cher (played by Alicia Silverstone) is so poised and elegant all the time, with her smooth, silky hair and neatly put-together outfits. It's elegant, and anything that inspired you to be elegant inadvertently also inspired you to be a little bit more skinny, because, as Coco Chanel apparently used to say, "elegance is refusal". You just can't be elegant while stuffing your face!
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I recently saw an 80s film called Variety, which was amazing thinspo, and not a bad film either.
It's directed by Bette Gordon and written by Kathy Acker (badass punk feminist writer/icon of the era).
The lead actress is skinny by my standards, though some of you on here might describe her more as thin.
She's got a super sexy high cheekbones and thick hair thing going on and looks amazing in everything she wears in the film.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any decent pictures from the film online. I guess it's too obscure...

I am not sure if it counts as thinspiration to most, but I've been watching old seasons of the reality TV show "Survivor" to de-stress from grad school. It's not motivating in that the girls look fantastic from being so thin as the season progresses, as they often you'd expect from someone who is stressed, exposed to the elements, and has no way of bathing, grooming etc. Haggard.

But the fact they are all living off maybe 150 to 300 cals most days of just rice and like 0.1 oz of fish while competing intensely for 39 days puts my dietary restrictions into perspective (although the availability of food to forage varies by season, and earlier seasons were more survivor driven with less food generally).

I might be a little thinspired by Courtney Yates, as she came into the game skinny and had this perfect deadpan sarcasm and cute bitchiness in S15.




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Faye Wong's arms in the movie Chungking Express :luvluv:

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Just re-watched Erin Brockovich today. So empowering and fun. All the short skirts, big hair and sassy attitude! I love it.
I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan in general, but I like her a lot in this, and I think she proves here that personality is everything.
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It's one of my favorite films. Hands down the most visually beautiful film ever.
And Moira Shearer is inhumanly perfect.
I saw this title as I was going through channels this morning and remembered your post about it on this thread.....what an amazing movie! Just another reason I love SG....all of the amazing things I have learned/seen that I would’ve missed otherwise!!!!
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^ Same, I've just watched it and it's amazing, thank you for the recommandation.

A quote from the movie that I really liked and thought that you girls would too:
"And don't forget, a great impression of simplicity can only be achieved by great agony of body and spirit." :luv:
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This documentary was really intriguing and has strong reviews. I highly recommend it to all SG's and those who want to learn how fasting could potentially be used to address chronic diseases. It opened my mind to fasting, something I occasionally do (such as on a Friday), but never tried more than 2 days max. Maybe I'll try 3 days over the holiday:O (Day 3 is apparently the worst) Definitely it opened my mind to the idea and I'll re-read the fasting threads up here posted by some of our members. (Apologies if this film was already listed somewhere, but it's going up here anyway before the holidays as a recommended "Movie" ---even though it addresses more than weight loss)

Science of Fasting (produced by the French-German TV channel Arte)
(ps. if it gets removed from youtube, it's also available on Amazon Prime and probably other sites.)

Also as a few intriguing spoilers: there is a well known center for fasting on the Siberian plain: there has been extensive research done in The former Soviet Union on fasting even though results have never been translated; And, find out about what researchers learned from penguins about fasting!
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This documentary was really intriguing and has strong reviews. I highly recommend it to all SG's and those who want to learn how fasting could potentially be used to address chronic diseases. It opened my mind to fasting, something I occasionally do (such as on a Friday), but never tried more than 2 days max. Maybe I'll try 3 days over the holiday:O (Day 3 is apparently the worst) Definitely it opened my mind to the idea and I'll re-read the fasting threads up here posted by some of our members. (Apologies if this film was already listed somewhere, but it's going up here anyway before the holidays as a recommended "Movie" ---even though it addresses more than weight loss)

Science of Fasting (produced by the French-German TV channel Arte)
(ps. if it gets removed from youtube, it's also available on Amazon Prime and probably other sites.)

Also as a few intriguing spoilers: there is a well known center for fasting on the Siberian plain: there has been extensive research done in The former Soviet Union on fasting even though results have never been translated; And, find out about what researchers learned from penguins about fasting!

I've stopped fasting for a while now, about time I restart the habit. The documentary was valuable- Thank you for sharing!
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Diane Kruger and Mélanie Laurent in Inglorious Bastards, anyone?






I LOVE these two in this film. They play totally strong, feminine, badass roles. And they’re both quite slim and classically beautiful.
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