What's your color scheme?

What's your color scheme?

  • Black

    Votes: 38 42.7%
  • Bright colors

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Pastel colors

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • Neutrals

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • A good variety of everything

    Votes: 21 23.6%

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Black on black on black on black but when I am feeling REALLY crazy:

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@Jailbait, you wild sexy thing :grin:

I'd definitely say most of my clothing is black/very dark as well. I do have some colored things that I like to wear when it's hot out (like sweaters, this way I don't look like I'm dressed for winter even though I'm wearing a sweater in the summer :sneaky:)
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80% black, the rest is grey, red, white, bordeaux, and a bit of dark blue and dark green.
Black on black makes me look like a vampire because of black hair, pale skin and blue eyes so I always try to incorporate some colours

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I think mine varies a lot but I can get into the habit of wearing the same colours too for a period. Voted good variety of everything.
If I have to be in the hospital it's navy. Rarely black.
Winter: black, navy, brow/Tan, grey etc.
Spring and summer: bright colors, pastel colours, white.
But just today my mum said I have a lot of the same color dresses and she's sick of me wearing the same color scheme. So looks I need to go shopping :p

I love wearing different things, black on black, white, colorful or bright. I love changing it up.
I can't really vote! I'm about 60% black, and the other 40% is jewel tone colors - emerald green, deep cobalt blue, bordeaux and ruby, magenta, etc.

Our website fits right in to my aesthetic. :kiss:
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Mostly dark clothes like dark purple, blue, and black. I think I only have one bright shirt. Bright colors generally make me look fat, plus I have dark features.
Probably 60% black, though I'd wear more if I didn't consciously try and stop myself. I always seem to gravitate toward the black items in clothing stores, but I don't like just wearing black because I feel so bland. I suit pastel blues and pinks the best, because of my blond hair and blue eyes, and so I often wear these too, especially in the summer. And I break out the white as soon as I have a tan.
90% Black and then statement outfits tend to be more patterned based but also have a bit of color.

But black is easier, always classic and chic. Now if only my blonde hair would stop randomly falling all over my black clothes :lol:
Navy blue

I'm very simplistic :) Every now and then I will add a pop of color here and there, but I guess it just depends on whats in style/season/etc
Black is my comfort color, but in the summer I love to wear colorful dresses. I've never had the confidence to put together colorful separates, and now I am getting to old for it. So a dress is an easy way to incorporate colors into my wardrobe without having to plan too much!
My wardrobe staples are all black, white, grey, and denim. Every season though I choose a different colour I want to add a statement piece or two in, this season it's pale periwinkle blue, all winter it was deep green and navy (mostly tartans), and I have a feeling come October it'll be more navy again.

I had a really big bordeaux phase two winters again, everything was black, white, and bordeaux, it was fairly chic but I like to change things.
Black on black or black with a touch of white are my go to colour schemes, especially in the fall and winter. I love colour and patterns in the summer, though. I'm significantly more positive and energetic when it's warm and sunny out, and my clothes reflect that.
Black, mostly. Then there's grey, navy blue and army green.