What do you dream of wearing but never do?

wish i could wear jeans and feel awesome in them, my hips are so big that my pants have a big problem fitting around them that around my legs they are all baggy. Wish i could wear smaller size of jeans and not have it baggy around the rest of my legs. Also with the smaller size jeans to not have a muffin top. If i do buy the smaller jeans to fit my legs i have to sacrafice for a muffin top. Also knee high socks are pretty awesome.

THIS. Even at my lowest weight, my hips are pretty dang wide and since I'm short, pants that fit my hips are also usually too long :(

They should make pants that are wide at the hips but have thin tight pant legs. Like... A weird morphed skinny jean.
I would love to wear flowy summer dresses or even a nice little black dress, but I always feel uncomfortable, not only because of my weight. My style is pretty basic so I guess it's 'out of my comfort zone' or something
Short shorts with simple sandals - I feel as though my legs look short and wide when I wear this combination now :(
Skinny jeans that actually look AMAZING - I look OK in skinny jeans, but I want to look a lot better!
Fitted dresses and sandals - once again, looks like I have short, wide legs... :(