Tumblr's "Perfect Weight" Chart

The first chart actually is close to my own goal weight, even though I have no intention of being anorexic. The rest are just plain stupid. Come on, a 5'6 person is "healthy" at 120-160? Really? I have a very small bone structure and I remember when I was 120-125 I used to be all flabby and chubby everywhere. Even that girl with her back showing in one of the "healthy" charts looks like she's under the weight limitations of the chart.
I had it measured at the gym. I don't know how accurate it is but it can show patterns. You can also get it measured accurately for about a tenner at uni sports centres sometimes- I know the university of Derby has a place where you can have your body fat analysed.

Cool, thanks! I'll ask about it next time I'm at the gym :)