Teresa Oman (tumblr model??)


Rising Star
Nov 23, 2013
So there is this girl, Theresa Oman. I don't know if she is a real model or just a girl who has success on tumblrm but not in real world. I didn't use to know whou the hell is she, just someone said her name, I looked up her, and her face was familiar from tumblr. Its all over with her.
What do you think of her?


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I don't know if she is a real model or just a girl who has success on tumblrm but not in real world.

She's borderline, IMO - very short, and did some work with Urban Outfitters. She is with Request, a second-rate but not-bad agency. Everything else she's done is low end editorial, random photog projects, etc.
oh thanks lot for the info. i kind of expected to hear this. it's a pity that she isn't taller. but i can't judge unfortunately, beacuse i am awfully short too. :/
I've worked with her before. She's signed with agencies in Australia, NYC, London and Japan. I'm not sure if she's signed anywhere else.

She's short and she isn't 'model thin' but, despite that, she's insanely photogenic, like almost can't take a single bad picture facially, and is the sweetest, most delightful girl to work with. Also she's a really natural mover and fantastic at portraying a mood so is great to shoot even though she doesn't have the ideal body. It's not often that I'll say that about a girl, but I can totally understand why she's so popular.
I love the downward mouth + upward nose look.



I just can't resist. Beautiful.
I've never seen her before but I like how she projects tranquility in every shot. She's lovely, and looks quite young. Does anyone know how old she is?
I absolutely love Teresa. I think she's so stunning, even if she's not a proper model. She has a distant look to her eyes and reminds me of an ethereal fairytale character.
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