Susanne Knipper

Does anyone else see a bit of similarity with Sophie Turner's face? Like a much thinner model version of her. If only she were magically the face playing Sansa Stark, and Sasha Luss were Danaerys :luv:
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Does anyone else see a bit of similarity with Sophie Turner's face? Like a much thinner model version of her. If only she were magically the face playing Sansa Stark, and Sasha Luss were Danaerys :luv:

Can't be unseen! Yes,something about those slightly sleepy eyes and sharp cheek bones. Neither of them are my personal favorites, but they are classical beautiful and especially Knipper's eyes are almost seducing.
But did she eat it?... :sneaky:
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Bad angle? Haven't seen her in a while but looks like she put on a little

A while ago I had some speculation of weight gain as well on some of her instagram posts, but couldn't really tell if she had actually gained.

She still looks good but when you're used to this....

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A while ago I had some speculation of weight gain as well on some of her instagram posts, but couldn't really tell if she had actually gained.
SAME but it was Susanne so I couldn't tell if maybe I was just crazy

Still love her though

NYFW Street Style

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This one is recent too :(
I don't think she looks "bad" per se, but she was so great before that anything other than that seems disappointing. she's the odd case where her breakout season was really thin, not like many girls where they start out a tiny bit softer, and then lose and have staying power. She also looks far older than just 19-20 in a lot of pictures, but that could just be because she has very angular features...

Here's a throwback of some of her first digitals

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I know she’s gained a wee bit but there just aren’t many people who are as facially beautiful as her! Let’s hope she checks the slight weight gain and gets back to peak level (although the pic above is beating out 99.9999999 percent of the population on looks and body).
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