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Likr everyone on this forum I aspire to be skinny, but I just don't want to sacrifice my health and risk cancer for it. Do you know any models that don't smoke. I know Miranda kerr doesn't but thats about all I know. Also I know done vs models might not buy I am looking for examples of high fashion super skinny models
Oh darn well then does anyone know if any models at all whI do not?????
It doesn't matter if models smoke. That doesn't mean you have to. I wouldn't suggest starting smoking. You obviously know there are a lot of health risks as you mentioned. Yes some models and people on the forum smoke, I don't think they would suggest you start either.
this site is all about your health so don't sacrifice your health for something so small.
Unfortunately, a lot of models do smoke (that doesn't mean most of them, but smokers are over-represented in models). It's hard to know which models specifically don't smoke. They don't just come out and say "Omigod, I would, like, never touch a cigarette!" But I swear to god, I can't find one picture of Abbey and Freja where they're not smoking:


Might look gorgeous now, but can you imagine what they'll look like in, say, 10 years time? Here's a link to a thread about Kate Moss to give you an idea:
Obviously, a habit that has a 1 in 2 chance of ending in a horrible and needlessly early death is a poor choice for anyone.

But, I really, really don't get it with models. Smoking makes you look bad. It promotes fat storage on the abdomen, causes mouth wrinkles, wrecks your skin, stains your teeth and hands, drastically reduces your capacity for physical exercise... maybe they think their careers will be over before they lose their looks to smoking.

@Honeybunches, if a model smokes, and I smoke, does that make me look like a model? No. Indeed, plenty of fat ugly people smoke too.

If you're interested in reducing/suppressing your appetite, you could try gum, caffeine, eating more protein, healthy fats and fibre, drinking more water, eating less but more frequently, cutting out refined carbs, reducing salt and sleeping more.

Or you could eat according to your hunger and do more excercise.

Don't start smoking! Good luck.
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I think most models smoke because of where they're from--I've noticed that models who are from the U.S. where smoking is more taboo don't smoke (Jacquelyn Jablonski, Karlie Kloss, and Lindsey Wixson come to mind). I don't really think smoking affects your appetite or weight as much as people say it does. I smoke and the only time I've noticed a change in weight is when I quit for awhile and I gained weight from being so stressed and anxious from not smoking. So yeah, I would definitely not suggest starting to smoke.
If you really feel like you need something to distract you or keep yourself busy when you want to boredom eat -- which I fully understand, boredom eating sucks! -- find something else to do.

Chew gum, start drawing, keep water with you wherever you go, etc :)
Thanks do much I wasn't considering starting, though thanks for the concern, it would just be a nice reminder that not all models smoke.
What?! This makes me so sad. I've always looked up to her as a kinda skinny health godess. now that's gone :cry:

I used to look up to her too, but then I realised she was a total fake. She's all about marketing herself and making money, which is fine, but she makes money by bullshitting to people. Besides that, she is REALLY dumb:

"Dr Emoto did a study on how energy, thoughts, words and even music affected water. He started by freezing a tiny portion of water that had been taken from various parts of the world and photographed their molecular structures. He made some amazing discoveries on how saying words of love and gratitude around water, even thinking it, could change its structure into something like the form of a beautiful snowflake and how saying negative words could make the water structure look eroded and splotchy. Taping words of 'hope', 'peace', 'thank you', and 'I love you' to glasses of water had a profound effect almost immediately, as well as the words 'hate', 'you fool' and 'sick'."

- from her book, Treasure Yourself

Either Miranda Kerr made this up to demonstrate her point about 'positive thinking', or she ACTUALLY BELIEVES THAT WATER UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH. In this ridiculous litte book of hers, she preaches self-esteem, confidence, inner peace and everything that you wouldn't want to hear from a model, and manages to mention her organic skincare range, Kora (copyright symbol) on every second page. So really, I'm not suprised she smokes.

Sorry for the rant. Here's a link if you want to know more about how fake she is:
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Ana Beatriz Barros



Vlada.... :wtf:?

Snejana Onopka


Please correct me if i'm wrong but here are a few models who don't smoke:

Karolina Kurkova
Julia Stegner
Gisele Bündchen
Doutzen Kroes

...well at least i have never seen them holding a cigarette...
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Please correct me if i'm wrong but here are a few models who don't smoke:

Karolina Kurkova
Julia Stegner
Gisele Bündchen
Doutzen Kroes

...well at least i have never seen them holding a cigarette...

there are a few pictures of her smoking out there
As the others said, smoking doesn't make you skinny...I don't smoke and I've lost 21 pounds without do it, my roommate smokes very much and is chubby.
so keep on staying on the healthy side ;)
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