Assuming this makeup is from a show but just overall I adore her street style. She looks so authentic and she's so unquestionably skinny that she doesn't have any sense of strain that you can sense in those girls who are dressing to try hard to accentuate any hint of skinniness and "thigh gap" they might have *cough* Elsa *cough*
I admire her and her attitude so much. Not only so incredibly consistent while so radiant, but also the model who currently seems the most to embody a work of art to me.
There's nothing in her of an "influencer" vibe, and more than that I adore how she doesn't even feel the need to disparage such things or make a big deal about it; she just lets her presence exude the most ethereal aura.
The aura she projects in her campaign work, walk, social media presence, etc. reminds me so much of Virginia Woolf's portrayal of the perquisites of real art, e.g. “All desire to protest, to preach, to proclaim an injury, to pay off a score, to make the world the witness of some hardship or grievance was fired out of him and consumed. Therefore his poetry flows from him free and unimpeded.”