I'm curious as to what the comment about the "vacation fund" meant
and I agree that the BC bulletpoint was a bit...out there, because I know people who take it for health reasons, not because they're having sex. I also agree on the point that the overall tone of the email wasn't exactly professional (the typos/incorrect grammar don't help, lol). If I got an email like that from my boss about things that are pertinent to my job, I'd be kind of put off too-it's just the tone and diction, not necessarily the content. Modeling is a real, legitimate job, which is something that I feel people outside the industry have a hard time accepting. These kinds of unprofessional ("unprofessional" in the tone, word choice, grammar, et cetera; most of the actual content seems fine to me) emails probably don't help reinforce the concept that modeling is an actual career.
(Also, I'm
really curious as to what the Inner Thigh toning video is, now
. The person who owns the account might not be into that stuff, but I love a good workout video