Ruslana Korshunova

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RIP, Ruslana. Maybe one of you remembers her? She was so beautiful...








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On June 28, 2008 at around 2:30 p.m., Korshunova died after falling from the ninth-floor balcony of her apartment at 130 Water Street in Manhattan's Financial District. Police stated there were no signs of a struggle in her apartment and concluded that Korshunova's death was an apparent suicide, although no suicide note was found. Speculations exist that her death was in fact a murder committed by individuals operating a ring where models are coerced into prostitution for wealthy individuals. One of Korshunova's friends stated that she had just returned from a modeling gig in Paris, noting that she seemed to be "on top of the world" with no apparent reason why she would commit suicide. Korshunova planned to celebrate her 21st birthday on Wednesday in Pennsylvania. Korshunova's former boyfriend, Artem Perchenok, stated that he dropped Korshunova off at her apartment several hours before her death after they watched the Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore film Ghost together. "I feel that she came to say goodbye," said Perchenok. "She was a good person," he added to The New York Post. However, Korshunova appeared brokenhearted and angry in some of her postings on a social networking site. Korshunova's most telling message came in March 2008: "I'm so lost. Will I ever find myself?".

Friends said Korshunova had a stomach ache before her death. Police said that some prescription pill bottles with Russian labels were found in her apartment. Experts did not find traces of someone else’s skin underneath her nails. Korshunova's mother, Valentina Kutenkova does not believe in her daughter’s suicide. "She told me about her work problems about a year ago. She said that she wanted to quit the modeling business. Everything was fine with her recently though. If she had problems at work, she would have told me," she said.

Muhammad Naqib, a concierge who worked in Korshunova’s building stated, “I was shocked when I saw her on the pavement. She was on the road, small and pitiful, in a puddle of blood, surrounded by a crowd. Her arms and neck were broken,” the man said. Muhammad was immediately suspicious. “Only next day I realized what was wrong. It was her hair! It was much shorter than when I last saw her that night, lively and happy. It seemed like it was cut in a hurry since the ends were uneven.” “All I got is a polite “thank you.” But nobody called me for an interview,” said Moscow autopsist Sergey who worked on her makeup in a Moscow morgue. “The hair could fall out because of a strong impact, but it could not become shorter. When I was preparing the body for a funeral, I noticed that the hair was in a very poor condition. I even offered to find her a wig, but her relatives refused. The ends were uneven, as if someone had cut it with scissors." According to the testimony of many witnesses, no strangers or suspicious people were noticed on the day of Korshunova’s death in her building on Water Street. The back exit in the yard is visible to the concierge, and nobody could pass by the reception unnoticed. During her last visit, Korshunova’s mother stopped by the apartment. According to Korshunova’s friends, Valentina spent several hours at the door of the apartment. She is still hoping to find the answer from American police. On July 7, 2008, Korshunova was buried at Khovanskoye Cemetery in Moscow. Her mother stated to Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that the Russian capital was one of her daughter's favorite cities, and that "[She] would want her beloved Moscow to be her last resting place."

British TV producer and filmmaker Peter Pomerantsev has theorised that Korshunova's suicide was related to her involvement with Rose of the World, a controversial Moscow-based organisation which describes itself as "training for personality development". While researching for a documentary into Korshunova's death, Pomerantsev learned that the model spent three months attending training session at Rose of the World. These sessions—which encourage participants to share their worst experiences and recall repressed memories—are modelled after Lifespring, whose controversial methods were the subject of multiple lawsuits for mental damages in the US during the 1980s. Korshunova attended training sessions with a friend, Ukrainian model Anastasia Drozdova, who committed suicide under similar circumstances in 2009. Friends of the two women reported changes in behaviour after several months at the Rose. Korshunova became aggressive, while Drozdova experienced violent mood swings and grew reclusive. Both lost weight. After three months of training, Korshunova returned to New York to look for work, where she wrote of feeling lost and doubting she would ever find herself. Rick Ross, head of the Cult Education Forum, argues that organisations such as Rose of the World "work like drugs: giving you peak experiences, their adherents always coming back for more. The serious problems start when people leave. The trainings have become their lives—they come back to emptiness. The sensitive ones break." Only months after leaving the Rose, Korshunova was found dead.

She was such a doll :( What a loss!



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ohhh she was SO beautiful :(

am i the only person that thinks her death was very odd? im not a huge conspiracy theorist but there are a few things in the case that raise suspicion..





ohhh she was SO beautiful :(

am i the only person that thinks her death was very odd? im not a huge conspiracy theorist but there are a few things in the case that raise suspicion..
Me. honestly, maybe it's because I'm obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and wanted to be a detective (before realising I was too stupid, haha), but 1. the hair 2. no suicide note?
Me. honestly, maybe it's because I'm obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and wanted to be a detective (before realising I was too stupid, haha), but 1. the hair 2. no suicide note?

yah and her 'jump' was so far, somehow she managed to propel herself like 5 metres and miss the bottom of the building? hmm :/
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The police closed and reopened her case several times...speculating about her death won't bring her back. How will her family ever find peace?
:( I always wanted to know who was that extremely beautiful girl from that Nina Ricci ad.
May she rest in peace.




What do you guys think she weighed at her thinnest?

She was 5 feet and 8.5 inches I think (174 cm) and Im just one cm shorter, and I have a very simular build and I think I'll keep my babyface even as I continue to lose weight. She wasnt Vlada thin but in some of these pictures she had great arms (in some other shots they seemed to be a bit of a problem area, as they are for me) and I just want to know what weight to aim for+a little. Right now Im back to 60 kg after depression and such that made me plunge way up into a normal bmi, and right now I have at least 7 kg to lose if not 12, I havnt figured that out yet.

Sorry if anyone find me to be offensive since she's dead and Im asking so many questions, but I just find her to be a thinspo for me when she was at her thinnest.
yah and her 'jump' was so far, somehow she managed to propel herself like 5 metres and miss the bottom of the building? hmm :/

It always sounded like someone was paid hush money within NYPD because her death made zero sense and has a lot of sketchiness. Also the investigation seemed half hearted.
yah and her 'jump' was so far, somehow she managed to propel herself like 5 metres and miss the bottom of the building? hmm :/

That's actually pretty easy to do... There's a cliff near my house that teens jump off/dive off into the water, and unless you jump a good 10 metres out you hit rock.

The "hair" thing is weird though...
Vlada Roslyakova about Ruslana's death

There can never be “later”. Today is 12 years since our world lost this beautiful angel 🖤
Here is the revelation 💔
Each time I think of our last moment of communication everything inside of me jams... June 28th, 2008, around 10am... I landed in Paris and received her message “hopefully your flight was good”, I was busy with all the airport procedures and thought to reply to her a bit later... then I went straight to work and forgot to text her back... Around 8pm I received a phone call from NY, where they told me that Ruslana fell down from her 9th floor apartment... Devastated I denied to believe that she died, my imagination pictured her in hospital, broken, unconscious but with a chance to get back to us... I called her number, but a policemen just confirmed that that is it. Too late. “Later” has never came... Now it only left to learn not to blame myself for that negligence and pray for her to Rest In Peace.... 👼







It's been 13 years since the tragic loss of Ruslana. I wanted to pay my regards. Rest in Peace to this beautiful angel.

Here are of my fav pics of her-- gracing the runway, being her true beautiful self, smiling and having fun.






Rus and Vlada


"May you touch dragonflies and stars, dance with fairies, and talk to the moon." -Unknown

I hope we can continue to keep this lovely girl's memory alive ❤️
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"14 years she is not with us, It's more than we've been friends here in this life on earth.
But are everyday in my prayers, and as far as it goes this way you are alive" - Vlada Roslyakova

So sad, she was very sweet 😟💖

Also, I thought there was no such thing as a bad picture of Vlada, but even I can admit when I am wrong.
