Kat Cordts



What do you think about this german model??? I find her particular and very interesting...
(sorry about the pics...I don't know how to put them in a better way...)



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I think her name is Kat Cordts...

I do like her in some pics, she has amazing lips:

But in some pics she looks a bit...dumb?

I think she should dye her eyebrows...i really don't like bleached eyebrows :(.

Either way you can love her or hate her...she is definitely memorable....
I think her name is Kat Cordts...

I do like her in some pics, she has amazing lips:

But in some pics she looks a bit...dumb?

I think she should dye her eyebrows...i really don't like bleached eyebrows :(.

Either way you can love her or hate her...she is definitely memorable....

Sorry, I did a mistake! :meh: btw,I agree with you!
ugh hate her face especially her chin it reminds me of lindsey wixsons' with that weird dimple like thing in the middle it just does not work
Katharina Cordts.

Born in

Do you have a nickname?

How did you start modeling?
"Discovered by a scout while i was working at McDonald's during my semester holidays."

A funny experience as a model?
"Nothing too funny so far ;)"

Describe your style
"Kind of easy, relaxed not to chic or fancy, love colorful clothes but also sometimes dark colors, depends on the mood."

Your fashion tip
"Feel comfortable."

Who is your icon?
"Not a special icon, more interested in the variety of people who are walking down the streets."

What is fashion for you?
"Fashion is the expression of yourself, the way you want to show the people around you. For example in which mood you are or which kind of lifestyle you live."

What do you buy the most?
"Shoes and bags."

Any obsession
"Reading books, classic literature."

How do you spend your free time?
"At home: relaxing with friends; abroad: discover the city i live in, visiting sights."

Your favorite hobby?

Something about your life at home
"Be cared by my family, don't have to worry or care about anything, feeling a little bit like a child again."

Projects for the future
"Going to London or Paris."

Your biggest dream
"Doing this job as long as possible and get interesting and nice jobs."

What do you keep in your bag?
"My books of course, fruits (I love pears and apples), smartphone (would be lost without Google Maps)."

City/Country you wish to visit?
"Seychelles or Maldives."

Do you have a secret?
"Be myself."

What do you love the most?
"Coming home after a long day and being welcomed by the people you love and who loves me (family, friends..)"
