Not a fan, she's sweet looking, but I knew so many girls who looked like her at school, not model material. Let's start employing models for their structure, ability and looks once more instead of their heritage, huh? Haha.
by Theo Wenner for The Last Magazine Fall 2016
I'm getting more of a "my friend took this candid photo of me being silly & licking my ice cream" vibe. If you're not familiar a "candid", it's a photo where the subject isn't aware they're being photographed. So when people post "candids" of themself, it's trying to look like they were photographed spontaneously without their knowledge, so, the photos aren't supposed to look like glamor shots.If the angle is an innocent "omg summer's fun I love ice cream YAY" then why hold it up next to your face and gape your mouth open like a whore? And if you actually ARE going for sexy/thirst trap, then, maybe, TRY TO LOOK SEXY?
The way a lot of gen z girls post is either 1) trying to make the photo look like a "candid"/spontaneous photo or 2) It actually is a spontaneous photo and they're posting it for the vibe it brings, not because they necessarily think its's super flattering or that it sends a certain message. A lot of girls will also make weird/scrunched/"ugly" faces so they don't come across like they're trying too hard to look hot.I see awkward posts like this so much, where at first I doubt myself and think I'm overanalyzing and/or being too dirty-minded myself, but then I think she must be going for one or the other? But so many girls seem to try to do something sexy but their expression is more like they're at the dentist's office. Sorry, I'm in a very weird mood today. I had pretty much this exact conversation with one of my models a few weeks ago and haven't gotten it out of my mind.
I'm getting more of a "my friend took this candid photo of me being silly & licking my ice cream" vibe. If you're not familiar a "candid",
it's a photo where the subject isn't aware they're being photographed.
Basically, looking like you're trying too hard to look good is increasingly considered "cringe", so people try to make "non-curated" and "real" content to make everything look spontaneous and like you're just naturally perfect, but it's actually super fake and posed. It sounds insane but it's true.
OMG I’m so sorry, I’m fucking stupid. I interpreted you asking for an explanation literally. Sometimes I’m not sure if things are common slang or just gen z slang from tiktok or whatever, I did not mean to sound condescending whatsoever.I did ask for explanations and you were trying to explain, but the first part was super condescending. I'm on holiday weekend though with my family so maybe it's just bc my nerves are already at 99% capacity.
Oh my god I find this even more brutal in how it's not even phrased as a polemical insult it's just an ice cold description.they're at the dentist's office