Episode here.
I just watched this last night. Very sad
Would be interested in discussing and hearing people's thoughts.
Amy was an anxious child who was never comfortable in her own skin. She became anorexic in high school and dropped out of college after one semester. She began binging and purging shortly after. She went to an inpatient treatment center and was in recovery for a year, but then relapsed and has been on a downward spiral ever since. Her bulimia has caused major health problems and friction between her and her family members. Amy has stolen from her family and been caught shoplifting food multiple times. Her parents have moved to a new house to accommodate Amy’s disorder, allowing her to live in the basement but locking her out of the main house to prevent her from stealing their groceries. Amy consumes an average of 24,000 calories a day and is obsessed with exercise and burning calories, purging 4 times a day. Her family hopes that an intervention will save her from slowly killing herself.
I just watched this last night. Very sad
Would be interested in discussing and hearing people's thoughts.