Force Feeding in Mauritania


SkinnyGossip Royal
Jun 27, 2012
I am a huge fan of 'reverse' thinspiration and this practice takes it to an extreme. In Mauritania and other parts of northeastern Africa, obese is 'beautiful' because it means that a woman 'cannot escape' from her husband or is wealthy, or like a 'big pillow'. Because of this, girls as young as 8-10 are sent to forcefeeding camps where they are fed thousands of calories of fatty foods, milks, and grains per day and beaten if they don't comply. In addition they are forced to refrain from exercise at all costs. The practice was so horrifying to me that it made me lose my appetite upon reading, so I thought it may do the same for others. Here are two videos and an article:
Thank you for sharing-That is so horribly sad to me. I want to go rescue them all.

I cant wrap my mind around the mothers' justifications for sending their girls to this hellhole.
"Her job will be to make babies and be a soft, fleshy bed for her husband to lie on." To this end, she intends to fast-track Tijanniya's weight gain by serving her cups of pure animal fat. "The stomach flab should cascade, the thighs should overlap, and the neck should have thick ripples of fat," says Elhacen. The ultimate sign of beauty, however, is silvery stretch marks on the arms. "Parents will give me a bonus if a girl develops stretch marks."

This is perverse and sick.
I started crying and had to turn it off. This is brutal man. It's stories like this that make me have mixed feelings about getting into journalism. To sit there and watch this happen must be so hard. To not go off on these mothers. On the other hand, you can't get involved. It's not your place. You can share this story with the world though. That's the beautiful part. That's the helpful part.

I feel so sorry for these girls. I hope the anti obesity movement continues to spread in this country and others like it.
I cant wrap my mind around the mothers' justifications for sending their girls to this hellhole.

The culture in Mauritania is very different from most western nations. There is a high value set on women who are "well-fed" because it suggests that they are rich enough to become so "well-fed." These mothers really think they're doing the best they can for the daughters by sending them somewhere to fatten up, the larger the woman is the more likely she will be deemed "beautiful" and marry a good husband.

It's fucked up but the men truly think that fat = beautiful/wealthy and they're not concerned with their wives overall health at all. This means that many mothers feel pressure to fatten their daughters and most women are willing to submit to over/force-feeding in order to ensure a husband. The government has already started trying to intervene but it is difficult to disseminate information in Mauritania and even more difficult to change cultural perceptions overnight, especially ones that deem what is "beautiful" and what is "ugly".

It's an awful story all around. :(
I had heard about this and it is so shocking to be honest.

Also I found this interesting:

Holy crap! This scared the shit out of me. :ohno:

16.000 calories a day? :shock: This is such a waste of food, especially considering the number of kids dying from hunger in other regions of Africa... :mad:

Plus, it's physical abuse for the girls, they are getting their health destroyed, most likely irreversibly. So sad. :cry:
I read some article about this and it stated that the younger man are not too into this practice of force feeding women. Perhaps when many of the elders die in a few years or so, this practice may be gone or be less popular.
I read some article about this and it stated that the younger man are not too into this practice of force feeding women. Perhaps when many of the elders die in a few years or so, this practice may be gone or be less popular.

The sick part about a lot of these rituals like this and FGM is that the mothers are the ones that really push for it.

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