I know that especially in the USA there is a huge deal about engagements and engagement rings. Not so much in Germany, at least where I live.
I know that my bf wants to propose and (ok beeing totally superficial here but) I'm afraid that I might not like the ring he's going to chose.
Did you smuggle a picture of rings you like in his wallet? Or did you show him? Or did your husband just have an incredible good taste? And do you know how much did your rings cost?
Thanks for your replies
It's not superficial, you're going to wear that ring for (hopefully) the rest of your life, you need to love it! I don't see anything wrong with telling him what you like, I'd stop short at shopping for it with him, I think it's good for a man to choose the exact ring but you can tell him what metal, stone, cut you'd like ideally and see what he comes back with. I think it's a good indicator of how much effort he put into finding you the perfect ring.
I know the ball park figure of how much my ring cost, not the exact figure but somewhere close. It wasn't break the bank expensive but it wasn't cheap. My Britishness makes it hard for me to talk actual figures when it comes to money I know he talked them down on the price too as he is incapable of paying full price for anything so I don't know the actual ticket price.
Congrats and I hope you get the perfect ring for you!