(Charlotte) Kemp Muhl

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What are everyone's thoughts on this girl? She's a model/actress/singer/etc. and a seriously huge fucking weirdo.

Not sure how I feel about her, yet... but I just love looking at her.


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I just like the third pic. Her eyes seems HUGE!! Are they really that big!?
Wow. She is stunning and look at those hipbones! :luv:
She seems to like posing with her boobs showing too!
I wonder if she works at her body at all, or if she's just (DAMN) lucky.

She's dating Sean Lennon (John Lennon and Yoko Ono's kid) and they have a little two person musical act. They make videos from time to time and put them up on youtube... it seems like they both go to extreme measures to come off as quirky and "different" but I just find it ends up being annoying and unnecessary. It's a whole other level of weird, to try and make your audience think that you're weird... if that makes sense.
I wonder if she works at her body at all, or if she's just (DAMN) lucky.

She's dating Sean Lennon (John Lennon and Yoko Ono's kid) and they have a little two person musical act. They make videos from time to time and put them up on youtube... it seems like they both go to extreme measures to come off as quirky and "different" but I just find it ends up being annoying and unnecessary. It's a whole other level of weird, to try and make your audience think that you're weird... if that makes sense.

I´ve watched a youtube clip of them, sorry I don´t find the link, maybe it got deleted?
I got the same vibe that both are trying way too hard.
The music isn´t my cup of tea, but hey, no plastic pop at least. Credits for that.
annoying and unnecessary. It's a whole other level of weird, to try and make your audience think that you're weird... if that makes sense.

That's the impression she gives in her pictures. Trying too hard will always give the impression of being an attention whore.

Honestly I find her look dull and annoying! Her constant shirtless photos make her look possessed and obsessive.

Third picture, her face looks like Anne Hathaway :disgusted:
That's the impression she gives in her pictures. Trying too hard will always give the impression of being an attention whore.

Honestly I find her look dull and annoying! Her constant shirtless photos make her look possessed and obsessive.

Well both she and her boyfriend both come from rich families. They don't really have a purpose in life... nothing to work towards, etc.
She's dating Sean Lennon (John Lennon and Yoko Ono's kid) and they have a little two person musical act. They make videos from time to time and put them up on youtube... it seems like they both go to extreme measures to come off as quirky and "different" but I just find it ends up being annoying and unnecessary. It's a whole other level of weird, to try and make your audience think that you're weird... if that makes sense.

I hate when people try to be all unique and quirkly (cough Zooey Deschanel cough). Trying that hard to look like you're not trying is just so pathetic.
Very pretty and very odd. In my opinion, a prettier version of Krysten Ritter.

Krysten Ritter:

Kemp Muhl: