Wylona Hayashi (NSFW)


Anybody from Wilhemina?


Or IMG for that matter?
Wow, she is soooo pretty :luv:

Her body is decent, but I think she could tone up some. But GOD, her LIPS.

EDIT: Okay, so her behavior is pretty appalling. Terrible person, beautiful face. What a shame.
You put my finger on what was bugging me about her! She does have that vibe in her pictures.

Also... 1-3 packs of cigarettes a day??? 1 pack a day is pretty common, but 3? Who has the time?!

^^ my lungs hurt just thinking about it!
Her hips are narrower than her rib cage. I quite like it though. Its sort of unique; not many women have this bone structure. Or maybe they do but they never get thin enough to see it :hmm:

I have the same body shape and it only looks decent on thin people. Inverted triangle fatties end up looking like men.

Anyway, she's got a really nice body but her face just does absolutely nothing for me... she looks like a frog :wtf: and on top of that, she seems like a pretty revolting person. Kinda like Felice Fawn vol II. Thanks, but I'll pass.
In case y'all are interested, here's some old pics of her.






She's not beautiful, she's really creepy! She really, really scares me, and I'm not joking, I'd probably run away if I saw her on the streets. But then again, she put 2 kilos of makeup on, so she probably looks more normal IRL.

It's like the Daphne Groeneveld look, but 1000x worse..
Angelia pulls it off a lot better, and in a more sassy way!
her mouth freaks me out. she doesn't look beautiful to me.
This thread.... why did I look at it :cry:

At first glance I thought her body was quite nice, one I wouldn't mind having in contrast to what I have now, but goodness gracious lord o' mighty, what is wrong with her brain. :wtf: I guess the gross contact lenses are appropriate because they accurately reflect that she has no soul.

I don't think the problem is that she can't afford school; I think no school would ever take her in. :p